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Hey Patrons!

We're getting ready to launch the prototype builds!

These prototypes will be available to Davigods, Riftmakers, and Earthbreakers. To the Bombardiers, this is the first step to releasing the Closed Alpha updates.   

This first update will include:

1. Experimental levels
These early-stage levels experiment with allowing the giant to walk around the level freely. We've eliminated the boundary, so the giant can chase the warrior(s) to the edges of each map. The position of the giant is also higher, which makes them even more intimidating. The levels include:

  • Overpass Overture This level contrasts high and low areas and features a small bridge lined with deadly flamethrowers. 
  • Riverguard This level places the giant in the centre of a castle with a river flowing underneath. This design gives the warrior options to hide and to scale the castle walls. Cannons and flamethrowers can be activated by debris and other objects in this level.  
  • Megalophobia This one's pretty experimental. Here we wanted to experiment with the giant's size, so the giant is twice as big as usual. This makes the giant scarier and basically unstoppable right now.  We don't expect competitive matches to be played on this level.

2. "Lives" scoring mode
Warriors can now have a separate number of lives, and the giant can have their own number of lives. This'll give you more options to balance multi-warrior matches. For example, each warrior can have 5 lives, while the giant can have 10 lives.

3. Fire and water
The levels contain flamethrowers that the warriors can use to light the giant's hands on fire. The giant can wave their hand to snuff out the fire. The water adds some visual variety and can also extinguish the giant's burning hands.

4. Miscellaneous additions, such as:

  • Dynamic warrior camera for better visibility when looking up.
  • The warrior's silhouette is now thicker to make it more visible.  

One word of warning: There will be bugs, some of which may break the game. Since these are rough development prototypes, we cannot commit to bug-fixing or confirm support across all VR platforms.

More prototype updates will follow.

The Davigo Devs  




Will we get stream keys for this prototype?


Yup, we'll be using Steam keys

Pontus Dåderman

Will PT Updates come once every month?


We're expecting to have new some new updates around once a month or so (give or take), although it will vary from month to month.