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As most of you know I am very much still in the process of moving for school. I am still not settled so reactions will be filmed next week (mainly superman and lois, and AOS)

With this I would like to unfortunately say that we are now going to react once a week instead of twice. In my school schedule I have a class Wednesday evening, and most of you know we record on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We can not find another day to film as Nicky works nights so at least for now, recording will be like this. This does mean certain shows will be put on hold for a bit longer (Runaways etc) but they are still coming.

I am trying to be transparent with you all as much as I can, if you have more questions feel free to ask. When I will get to said questions hopefully this evening or bu Thursday



David Brown

Yes, please keep on track with Agents of SHIELD. You're almost at the end, and this last season is awesome! Thank you.