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gum lover

Can you get the black lighting ep 7 since y'all didn't post it yesterday


💙 John Walker very much the black licorice of Captain Americas. Not a lot of people like him and those that do still would prefer most anyone else carrying the shield. Seriously if anything happened to Steve, Sam, and Bucky in the comics there’s a whole host of people I’d rather see be the new Captain America before Walker took up the mantle again. In my mental list Elijah Bradley is at the top, but it would be cool to see a woman Captain America or a Mutant Captain America like Danielle Moonstar or James Proudstar. John Walker just rubs people the wrong way (both comic fans and characters) that I think most people would take Deadpool over him as Cap if push came to shove.

James jackson

I hate the way marvel sloppily handle morally correct antagonists like killmonger and the flagsmashers. They write them in a compelling manner only to throw in dissonant violent episodes to prove how "evil" they are, even though sam wilson has killed at least 5 times as many people as Karli as an agent of US imperialism.