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Falcon and the Winter Soldier S1E5 UNCUT.mp4

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Neil Prospect

*heart eyes emoji* John Walker has gone full-fledged villain, but I think what makes him an effective villain is that I still have empathy for him. This is 100% not a defense of any of his actions, but the scene where he's yelling at the Senator really hit me hard. First of all, the acting was amazing. Round of applause to Wyatt Russell. But secondly, he was exactly what the US government made him to be. He never should have been captain america. But he was made it because he followed all the government's rules and it's trainings and did everything they wanted him to do. He was the perfect soldier. But the heart of Captain America is not simply being a tool of the government, but indeed standing up to that government when it is wrong. John Walker was not an evil person, but he was an expression of the governement and its violence. And so when he's forced to make decisions on his own, he's not approaching it with compassion and humanity. And when you add super soldier serum to it ... well ... you get what we got. To me, what makes John Walker interesting is that he's just this guy who was destroyed by the system, turning him into a villain. He is the perfect illustration of what makes Steve and Sam so special. Because if you just take a great soldier and give them the title and power this is what happens. You need the character and kindness and rightgeousness of Steve and Sam to be able to handle that mantle. Sorry for the long post, I've just really wanted to talk about this with someone because since I saw that scene its been all I've been thinking about (well that and Bucky and Sam becoming brothers-in-law)

Michael Franolich

incase you don't know the us government doesn't know walker took the serum.

Andrew Bignell

Spider-Man can take on a super soldier, and they are in New York... Just sayin

Joe Baines

Where’s the Dropbox link for this episode?