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Dev Bhavsar

I do not condone the actions taken by John Walker on the final scene. Obviously he went too far. However these are my opinions on things leading up to that moment. Lamar was not a good friend or partner. A partner is supposed to keep you in check and call you out when you make mistakes. No, Lamar was Walker's cheerleader who never offered a word of criticism or advice to his friend. "You consistently make the right decision in the heat of battle". Really? Then why did y'all literally just get your asses handed to you by the Dora Milaje? And why didn't you give Sam the full 10 minutes you had promised him? Why Lamar, aren't you noticing your friend's aggression and ticks? Why didn't you get concerned when your friend challenged Sam to a fight? As for Walker, speaking as a former Marine, I think the guy has untreated PTSD. There have been a lot of subtle hints to it. Headaches, increased aggression, impatience, difficulty focusing. Not to mention his comment about how Sam used to work as a counselor at the VA so that's how he knows it won't work. Hell he probably thought he was doing Bucky a favor by removing him from therapy. He even discounts his own medals of honor (the highest military honor you can receive) as badges that remind him of "his worst day". PTSD ruins lives and often goes untreated because it requires the victim to open up and be emotionally vulnerable about the worst moment of their life. Even people without PTSD struggle with being that vulnerable. I think Walker has managed to get this far untreated because he leaned on Lamar for support, but that was a temporary crutch, not a permanent solution. As for taking the serum, morally corrupt and power hungry people don't question whether they should take the super soldier serum. If a person asks someone else for their opinion on taking it, it means they are struggling with making the right decision. "The way I see it, the serum just makes you more you- Karli Morgenthau, Steve Rogers". "And me?" Walker literally set his partner up to give him some real feedback and advice, and what does he do? He tells him how great he is, and once again, offers no criticisms or advice. And he's Walker's best friend, so his words carry more weight in Walker's mind than his own.

Dayvon Rose

I honestly completely agree with you, they tried real hard to portray Lamar as his partner rather than sidekick so it wouldn't seem...well you know. However, Lamar just went along with everything. At least Sam believed in what him and Cap was doing so he was willing to go with him and it was his choice. I was really hoping Lamar would stop John Walker when the 10 minutes weren't up, when both instances of John Walker doing whatever he wanted happened Lamar should have called him out on that. Everyone agrees that Sam was getting through to Karli, so he technically could have helped avoided everything that happened in the last half. All in all, I would have liked it if he was more competent. I get that they had to show them constantly losing to make John want the serum even more, but it would have been really cool if Lamar had started siding with Bucky and Sam more and got that nice little plot juice to be able to hold his own a little more than John.

Dev Bhavsar

Plus if they had done a better job of showing John's PTSD, it could have served as a great wake up call to Bucky to open up more. After all, he can't even admit to having a nightmare to his therapist! Honestly, John, Lamar, and Karli really needed an episode split between them to really show us their side. This show is way to short and characters are not being shown in equal amounts. It makes the villains come off looking so shallow. Like Karli believing her loss of Donya is more important than any loss that Sam has suffered. As if it's impossible for him to fathom the loss of a parental figure or loved one. For someone so devastated at the loss of a loved one, she sure eas quick to threaten and kill other people's loved one's.


There is a mid-credits scene in episode 5, heads-up! Great reaction, love the back and forth!