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Agents of Shield S4E12 UNCUT NEW.mp4

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Christopher simeon

You guys were distracted for 75% of this episode.

Neil Prospect

Bri's tone when she says "I'm preparing your for the real world, Hana" is my favorite thing in the world


2 more episodes

John Dowd

Even a remote reaction cannot save Hana from the long arm of Nicky. Quarantine or no Nicky can reach across the Internet to deliver a well deserved? hit to Hana's arm thanks to the "Fast Fist for Hire" Brianna. Talk about 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap' it cost Nicky only a dollar for the 'Hit'!


This reveals something big is coming & is considered a spoiler.


Can't believe I missed this had been put up!! (On the plus side: Magicians & AoS back-to-back 😎 ) I could only watch 17mins of this.. Then I had to stop for a cold shower. 😳