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Doctor Who S11E10 UNCUT.mp4


Rudolph Koch

yea... re watching the series with you guys did make me like this series a little better. Overall I still have to give this series a solid 7. Still a Capadi, Tennet , and Baker doctor fan.

RPGsus Plays

( I wanted to give my thoughts on this series, the 13th doctor, her "fam", this finale, and why i think it all fits together perfectly. Strap in it's long.) 13 has called herself the doctor of hope and the theme this series was family so taking into account those two things this here are my thoughts: When Grace died, Ryan and Graham's journey became about moving on and accepting each other as family. Yaz wanted to get away from hers and experience more of the universe. While I was watching the series I fell in love with 13 and her "fam". The best way to describe how I felt watching it (even on repeat viewings) was that I felt like I either was a part of Team Tardis or I desperately wanted to be. Mainly because of 13, the family environment she cultivates, and just the over all happy vibe traveling with her gives off. She has such a genuine bubbly, kind, inviting nature to her that it was no wonder they all were so eager to get wrapped up in adventures with her (and I was excited to go right along with them). I also think though that bellow that kind, enthusiastic, loving doctor that 13 is; she actually goes so much deeper as a character ( hear me out). I think back to moments throughout the series where we see a completely different side to this doctor and I don't mean "the oncoming storm". I think 13 is a genuinely very sad doctor which I think is why I've heard some describe her as "needy". 13 in Arachnids in the UK while dropping off her "fam" seems extremely sad and tries to stall leaving as much as possible; jumping at the chance for tea with Yaz just to have an excuse not to be alone. Previous doctors never wanted to be alone in the tardis but they'd never admit to it. I think that after all that 12 went through and the feelings he had of failure I think that 13 is a doctor who is still strong, tough, and absolutely will stand up to injustice of any kind but is slightly in doubt of herself and as a result doesn't want to chance losing the new family she's got by lies, half truths, cockiness, or blind faith ( whether that be faith companions have in her or even faith that the doctor has in her own abilities) so she is unflinchingly honest, kind, loving, and upfront to her friends; not afraid to show that she's scared or needing help and will always tell them what's going on even if it's as simple as wanting to hang out. Another instance that shows her slightly doubting herself is in Kerblam after basically threatening Slade and Judy she turns to her friends for input asking if it was " too bombastic". I feel she genuinely values their input but I also think they help her believe in herself again. 13 is the doctor of hope because she gives hope to everyone she comes across treating them like family with kindness and compassion while Yaz, Ryan, and Graham give hope back to her.


I was " Over the Top " with The woman who fell....and with Ghost Monument, Krerblam, Rosa, and Demons of the Punjab, and The Battle of Ranskoor AV Kolos. But I was o.k. with It takes you away, Tsuranga Conundrum, Arachnids in the U.K., Witchfinders was a little better then O.K. but not as good as the other 5. I felt this was a good season over all if you can say you liked over 50% of Doctor Who then it was worth it. But something kevin pointed out to me Did you see Gram and Ryan running? Like in Deep space nine of Star trek First sesko has a com-badge then he tosses it then it's Back on then on the wrong side then not there again then back on all in one take. it's like the director didn't know the way it should have been seen. or the order same with the gun's here they don't have the gun's then they do then they don't then they pick the gun's up.


when do we see classic who?

Tom Sinclair

Good call on the resemblance to Eleven. I also see hints of Four (Tom Baker) who was 'my' Doctor.


I agree Tom Baker was the Doctor I started with as well. After that I had to see more till I saw them all.


How about we let them all catch up on what they are doing/have done first. ;)


I started with Tom Bakers regeneration into Peter Davison, so although Davison was "my" Doctor - I fell in love with Baker's on the repeats/re-runs. :)

Ryan Witalison

My 2 cents on the season is I knew going in that this was pretty much a reboot and that there wasn't going to be a long-running plot as we saw with Davies and Moffat so I wasn't waiting for the connections. This series was very much meeting the Doctor and the new team, I expect Series 12 to really dive into more of the plot and less on Developing the characters. I knew Jodi would kill it based on her run on Broadchurch