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Hi everyone!

Just wanted to let you know, I've been super sick the past couple days, so sorry for the inactivity while I get over this awful lurgy! Also my phone is away for repairs (T_T) so I may be a bit slower in responding to e-mails and messages because I use that when I'm not at a computer.

Secondly, I tried to post a couple of things from the previous pledge packs but it seems like the attachment feature on posts is broken because the link to download wasn't showing up. I'm going to attempt to attach them here as a test to see if it works on text posts XP

I'm sorry for the delay on things! I'll hopefully be healthy and have a phone again soon XD

tl;dr everything's broken including Demi but hopefully will be back to your regular scheduled delights asap <3



Why attachments work on this but not on intended post? -.-


Get well soon :)


Get well sooooooooooooon


Hope you get well soon, Demi! *hugs you*

Andres Campos

Rest easy man, get well soon

Zenith Star

Frequent sips of water do you well~