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(Download for zip containing multiple versions)

So March's pinup is a bit different! Two themes tied, the car wash and master of lightning theme. Here's car wash. The zip contains seven versions of the image for ya!

I'll finish and post the master of lightning asap too. This pinup has just taken a little longer because of the different themes ;)





Oh gosh he looks so goooood <3


This is so hot! I love that he's bottomless :)

Andres Campos

Impressive work, I like the detailing of the cinder himself

Morgan Leger

This wolf can wash my car any day. <3 Love how it came out and can't wait for the others

Niall MacConaill

Ohhh, they're all yummy... though no bottomless with major suds? :) Btw, the one marked "sfw07" is decidedly not sfw... though there's noooothing wrong with it. *grin*

Niall MacConaill

...almost forgot: no cum version means I can't make a "greased lightning" joke... probably for the best. :) :)


Hmm maybe I should make a cum version XD And the problem with the major suds on the shirt is it looks less natural because realistically the suds would soak in and stick to the shirt rather than running down his body. I'd have to do a different suds layer. Which I could do! Just running low on time trying to get all the March extras in before diving into April! XD


mrr i would let him wash something else too :P