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Since we've switched to the pay-upfront model of Patreon, I can now just post content to the activity feed (that hopefully means spreading the enjoyment of new content throughout the month rather than just on a single day!)

There are ten versions of this and istg it was so hard to pick which combinations of clothes/no clothes/peen there should be lol. Each article of clothing was on a separate layer and there's three version of Ciaran (sheath, erect and erect w/ precum) so the combinations were limitless XP I'll put it in a PSD pack for the Fetching Fox tier so people can play around with the layers themselves if they like :P

The theme wild wolf tamer won! (I only realized in hindsight that people may have interpretted that to mean he'd be 'taming' them in different ways, so apologies if that was the case! I'm sorry I'm so vanilla! :X)

So here's Ciaran in some of the traditional clothes of his Northern Kingdom, communing with his pack of wild wolves. He has perhaps been travelling with a new companion who's peeked his interest, but I'll leave that to your imagination ;)






Can you still do a zip at the end of each month anyway like Fluff does? He uses up-front pay too and posts things to the feed as they're finished, but still also does the tier packs after each month is done. I like it just because it helps make sure I got everything, and it keeps it all in one place.

Andres Campos

He can tame me anytime


Oh yeah, I'm still gonna compile the packs! No worries there. It's just going to get posted spread out and then sent in a zip :)

Alizar Kazam

Oooh I love the nips! Beautiful work!