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I'm excited to open up the opportunity to have your character(s) feature in the backgrounds of Cinderfrost! The rules are pretty simple:
  • - you must be a member of my patreon
  • - limit of 3 character submissions per person
  • - visual reference required
  • - character must conform to the rules of the established universe*
  • - you must be the owner of the character or have direct permission for their use in the comic

That's it! All I need from you is reference and some standard information about your character! Keep the answers pretty short/concise so I can see at a glance whether your character will fit in the space I've got.

Fill out the form HERE!

Get your form filled out asap, because I'm working on the page with the cameos tomorrow and will be working the characters in pretty sharpish!

*cameos currently only open for Cinderfrost, so characters must be semi-realistic in appearance and coloration. No mythical creatures or extremely saturated/unnaturally coloured fur patterns. I don't have a problem with these designs, but since Ciel is established as being unnatural in this world, having any other 'unnaturals' in the background would conflict. Some unique colour patterns are acceptable in moderation under the basis it could be hair/fur dye. Certain levels of modification to suit the universe are fine too (ex: if your character has wings and isn't a bat or bird, but you're okay with the character being depicted without wings).

P.S. the late af pledge pack of December will be sent out very very soon! Like, Friday-Monday soon. You guys are the best, thanks for letting me have a little holiday! <3







There were 11 spots in all just in these two pages because there were quite a few panels requiring crowds. However, if you don't make it in this round, there will be future opportunities :) It's not a one-time only thing!


No, and don't worry, I keep the forms so that when I need future cameos I still have the list. This isn't the only chance :)


Max three forms yes :) Some people are including all three characters in a single form and that's fine too. I don't mind how it's done :)


Damn I thought I was too late too... Thanks so much for the chance!