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Hi everyone!

I'm just about to send out pledge packs for November 2016, so you should find those in your message boxes shortly!

Unfortunately, I've run flat out of time to complete the pinup, so I've sent a WIP for now (which has the completed nude of Jack; the clothed version and finished bgs will come later!). I'm sorry the finalized versions aren't done yet, and hope you can forgive me! I just wasn't speedy enough.

I'm going home for the holidays (I fly out in a few hours) so apologies if it is a little more difficult to get ahold of me for the next three weeks! It also probably goes without saying at this point: December's pledge pack may also be delayed because of the holidays, but like this one, will be done! After that, my life goes back to normal, and it should be all business as usual (phew!). Thank you so much for your patience! I hope the work is worth the wait!



Diego P

Happy holidays


Heya, I was wondering, does my pledge give me access to previous pledge packs?