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Hello everyone! Jack has won the poll for November, so he'll feature in the pinup this month! I'll post a theme poll shortly as well :)

In an effort to bring you even more content, I'd love to do some in-character asks so you can get to know the characters better! Feel free to ask anything, whether it be safe-for-work or naughty, and I'll draw up an image or strip with Jack answering!

Place questions in the comments below. If you can't think of a question but you see one in the comments that you'd also like to hear the answer to, you can reply to that comment to second it. Depending upon the number of asks I get, I may not be able to reply to all of them, but will do my best to include a variety of answers.

Short Bio: Jack is an shetland sheep dog who enjoys sports, dungeons and dragons, and making pillow forts with his girlfriend, Annie.




Jack: H was it your first time?


Jack: what's the most most unusual or wild sexual activity you and Annie have engaged in?

Morgan Leger

Jack: Do you prefer to play it safe or just go "natural" in bed? Also, do you prefer football or cricket?


Jack: Describe to us the most glorious pillow fort you've ever assembled!

Diego P

What's your d&d character?


Whats your favorite sport Mr. sheep dog?


Jack, how do you describe your relationship with your girlfriend ?


Not a question but, you should sometime have the vote options with all the non-canine characters because all the male pinups have just been canines so far - it'd be nice if there was a chance for the other characters of yours too ^^;


What do you think of Annie wanting to take advantage of your butt?