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Hello everyone!
I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but wanted to make an official one! I'm going on holiday from May 30th to June 12th. I haven't seen my family/friends in Canada for over 2 years, so I've got a trip back planned to try and catch up and see them as much as I can. In the past, I've tried to continue patreon work while there, but this never ever works (I don't have a place to work, my laptop is crap, most of my time is booked for socializing, so many reasons T_T). This just causes me huge stress/negates the whole point of a holiday, so this time I'm taking a real break and won't be posting during that time.

This means that updates might be a little behind! I haven't finished May's Sketchbook or Pinup yet, so they'll get done when I return and sent out to anyone who may need to drop their pledge this month.

Apologies for the delay! Sadly, when it comes to taking a holiday, delays become inevitable when you're self-employed. Thankfully you guys have always been super understanding when I need to take a break so I feel like I can trust you to trust me that I'll catch up when I return? If that makes sense? XD

To make up for the delay, maybe I'll post a little photo album/synopsis of the holiday and the things I got up to? Or maybe that would be boring... I feel like my photo journals mostly consist of the food I ate and some weird buildings/landscapes I saw XD

As always, thank you so so much for supporting my work and always being so compassionate when life delays art. I'm under no illusions about how lucky I am. I love you all <3






Take all the time you need! We'll be here! 👍


Have a great time! You need the rest time, hope you have fun! &lt;3


Be sure to enjoy your time there!


Enjoy your time off, don't feel compelled to do anything extra, just spend your time with the ones you love : )


Wish you a good time on Holiday :D

Nelson Cabrera

spend a great with your famil¡y and friends. We'll be here when you come back. ^^


you picked a good time to visit canada for sure lol. its been raining here quite a bit but the weather is nice enough to go out on the lake. I wish you the best and have a great time!


Forget about work. You deserve it. It'll affect you in the long run if you don't take time for yourself. Real time.