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Poor Cinder. He just wants to be a happy pupper, not a freedom fighter.




Sooner or later you'd end up facing peasants with pitchforks though.


Yeah. Poor Cinder. Though this is why you need to explain things to your partner. Even if you just got done being his bully, you still have to trust that he can be an adult and have a conversation about something like this. I do see Frost's position though, Helltouched are being lynched for surviving death, and a normal life with a threat like that looming over you isn't really possible. It would be a cautious life full of paranoia, and they'd likely never getting too attached to one particular place because of that looming threat.


Yep, this is all very true. I don't condone Cinder hiding things from Frost but I can't say that I wouldn't also want to hole up in a remote cabin somewhere until it all blew over, even if that's a pipe dream :P


I agree with Frost to an extent, but wasn't it him that hid the newspaper from Cinder that reported on the storm they caused? Saying that he wanted a few more days of "normal" before they hit the road? I'm paraphrasing of course, but that's the gist I got from it. Seems kind of odd that he would want to play super hero all the sudden.


That was before he knew about the resistance. Before he thought they only had one real way of staying alive, running and hiding. Upon learning that there was an organized group fighting to protect themselves and others like them, I imagine Frost feels some form of hope that he could work for a normal life