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Wooo! We're into November now and it's a new poll with these lovely ladies who haven't been in a pinup yet.

Cast your vote here!

This month is also Nanowrimo month (National Novel Writing Month, for those who've never heard of it). I'm going to be participating to try and finish my draft of a novel I've been working on for the past year. Super excited to be getting towards the end of it and hopefully will have it edited by January. Will any of you be participating this year? <3




Is it a novel describing your high school years with all of the humans replaced by anthros? haha, just kidding. Maybe.


Damn, Saffron is looking good.


LOL no I don't think my high school years are noteworthy enough for a novel XD It's about werewolves in a world where lycanthropy is treated as a pandemic that needs curing/quarantining (it's not really anthro/furry related despite the werewolves in it, deviates a lot from any of my furry work!)