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Aaaaand part 2 of January's sketchbook! I hope you enjoy it, and here's a little nsfw reading for those interested :)

Tight Spot - It wasn't often that a wanted criminal got to just relax and enjoy themselves, but that was precisely why Willow had booked herself a massage at the spa. After a coupon came under the door of her motel for the spa down the road, how could she resist? It wasn't until she was naked on a table under the firm hands of her masseuse that something seemed amiss. The masseuse's phone buzzed. She glanced at it and said, "I'll be right back in just a moment, darling." Dismissing herself from the room, Willow waited until the second the door clicked before getting up and pressing an ear to the door. She couldn't hear anything, but she'd learned to be extra cautious. Since when did masseuse's dismiss themselves from a session like that? She opened the door and poked her head out just in time to see the police at the end of the hall. If she needed anymore proof that she'd been set up, she got it when she sprinted out of the room and down the hall and nearly collided with her ex-partner in crime. Killian skidded out of his room and down the hall, narrowly avoiding her. "I'm going to assume you got the coupon too then," he said. "It was a set up," Willow agreed. She could hear the pounding of the police behind them. Fleeing police was nothing new for them, but it sure wasn't the relaxing day they'd had in mind. At the end of the hall, they turned. Willow, intent on finding an exit, headed for the bright red sign near the stairwell doors but before she reached it, Killian's hand hooked her elbow and dragged her backward into a tiny storage cupboard. Now, it had been years since they'd seen one another, and they hadn't exactly left on friendly terms. But these were extreme circumstances. Extreme circumstances that somehow had them hiding in a cupboard with barely enough room to breathe between them. Killian was suddenly painfully aware of Willow's breasts pillowed against his chest and when he glanced down, sure enough, he was staring straight down her cleavage. He tried to shuffle back but there was genuinely no room with the wall flat against his back. Willow shuffled too, silent for fear of being caught, but the shuffling only made him more aware of all her naked curves lined up against him. Without even meaning to be, he was practically inside her, and to make matters worse he was getting hard. Footsteps pounded towards them and in the slats of light coming in he saw her eyes clamp shut. Reflexively, her hand gripped his bicep. The footsteps got louder and louder until they could just make out the shapes of the policemen through the slats of the door. But they didn't stop - they headed straight past and towards the exit stairwell, just as Killian had suspected they might. The door slammed behind them, but Willow made no move to leave the confines of the cupboard. "We should stay hidden until they're gone," she said, but her eyes darted away from his. He was now well and truly erect and there was no space to hide it and no way she hadn't noticed. The length of him had slid up between her thighs and now lay parallel against her sex. "Make sure you stay quiet," she said. And she hitched up a leg. He tried to control the hitch in his breath. His hand shot instinctively for her leg, cupping her ass and supporting her weight. All he had to do was bend his knees a little and then rise up and into her. The heat of her pussy enveloped him. She let out a tiny gasp and her breasts heaved with restrained breathlessness against his chest. There was very little room to move, but they didn't need much and the leverage of the wall at her back helped keep her balanced as he pistoned in and out of her, hips twitching in the limited space. Willow's figure started to quiver and tremble and tiny, barely audible whimpers of pleasure passed her lips and ghosted against his throat and lips. Killian pressed his tongue into her mouth to silence her. Her moan of relief was muffled in the kiss as she came, quivering, around his cock. He thrust fast and hard and emptied himself inside her too, burying a groan into her shoulder as their climax pulsed between them. They managed to escape out a back door that day, but they couldn't regret nearly getting caught. Not when it meant rediscovering how well they worked together...

Weathering the Storm - Zack had never felt so cold in his life. There'd been no weather warnings when Nikki and he bundled up for a hike. The snow, when it came, was a blinding sheet of cold you could barely see through. Even dressed as they were, their Southern fur coats and winter wear were scant enough to keep the wind out. It was a miracle they found the cave at all in those conditions, but they stumbled upon it and decided unanimously to wait out the storm there. Shivering, they huddled together for warmth. Zack wrapped his arms around Nikki, who could scarcely unwrap himself from the tiny ball he'd curled into. Zack pressed his muzzle into the crook of Nikki's neck and whispered, "the storm will pass soon. We'll be alright." "It's freezing," Nikki said through chattering teeth. He pressed closer. Zack could feel him shaking. The last thing he expected was for Nikki to grip his scarf and pull him down into a searing kiss. Nikki's tongue was the warmest thing he thought he'd ever felt in that moment. "W-what are you doing," he whispered as Nikki's mittened hands started on his belt buckle. "Keeping us warm," Nikki replied, as if it were obvious. Indeed, it was much harder to think of the cold with Nikki in his lap, grinding against him, kissing him with reckless abandon. He still shook, but less than before, and the steady tenting in his jeans meant things were heating up in more than one sense of the word. After removing one mitten briefly, Nikki braved undoing their zippers and pressed a surprisingly warm hand into Zack's jeans, coaxing him out with steady strokes. "I want you to fuck me as hard and for as long as you can," Nikki told him fervently, releasing Zack's cock and putting his mitten back on. He disentangled himself just enough to turn over onto his front. He tugged his jeans down enough that Zack got a view of his perfect ass. "Quick," Nikki told him, shivering a little. Zack overcame his shock and bent over Nikki to run his tongue into his puckered hole. With little in the way of lubrication, this would have to do. He slicked Nikki up as much as he dared, then pulled his cock free of his jeans. He mounted in one smooth motion, chin pressed into the back of Nikki's neck, back forming an arc. He slid inside and the heat compared with the cold of the outdoors was overwhelming. Nikki pillowed the ends of his scarf under his cheek and looked over his shoulder at Zack, breath coming out in clouds, but his cheeks were reddening beneath his fur. "That's it," he whispered. "O-oooh, yeah, like that," he moaned as Zack started doggedly humping. With the cold and the wind, pistoning all the way in and out of Nikki would have left too much space between them. Space the cold could get to. Zack allowed for none of that, his hips clamped tight against Nikki's ass and rolling in sweet, gyrating circles. Nikki purred, allowing Zack to wrap his arms around his middle and press his entire weight into his back. Zack felt Nikki's hips twitching up into the motion of his deep, rolling thrusts. Heat radiated from them as their hearts pounded. Zack took off a mitten and sunk one hand between Nikki's thighs to grasp his erection and stroke. Nikki's flesh was still warm with the radiant heat of their fucking and it swelled with the added attention. Zack maintained the slow, sweet pace for hours, only quickening as the storm outside began to peter out. As the howling wind died and the pelting snow dwindled into a slow drift, the sound of Zack's hips slapping harder and harder against Nikki's ass grew louder and faster. Nikki's whimpers became high cries of pleasure as Zack pounded into him, sending electric shocks through him and down to the tip of his leaking prick. As the snow stopped all-together, Nikki finally let go of the pent up ecstasy unspooling in his abdomen. He sent creamy shots of cum against the cave floor and Zack's hand as it worked him until he was soft. Zack still fucked with reckless abandon now. He was sweating inside the confines of their clothes, but the tight heat of Nikki's ass milking his cock was so, so worth it. He came hard enough he saw stars behind his eyelids, dragging furrows into the snow where his paws scrabbled for as much leverage as he could get. He rode the waves of pleasure, body sinking bonelessly against Nikki's panting back. As exhaustion took him, he couldn't help thinking how lucky he'd been to have Nikki during the weathering of such a storm. 




You should! It's one of my favourite tropes as well. Never see enough of it though!


Two characters with mutual crushes on each other, stuck in tight quarters that leads to a sexy situation is one of my oldest favourite scenarios! I almost forgot about it until now. I’m really surprised I haven’t commissioned something like this yet. I should fix that!

Omi and Lucas

Would it be possible to copy/paste these stories into a text file, to be included in the .zip pack?