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(Reposting this because there'll be a few cameo spots in the upcoming CF pages)

I'm opening up the opportunity to have your character(s) feature in the backgrounds of Cinderfrost again! The rules are pretty simple:

  • you must be a member of my patreon
  • limit of 3 character submissions per person
  • visual reference required
  • character must conform to the rules of the established universe*
  • you must be the owner of the character or have direct permission for their use in the comic
  • if you've already had a cameo, I will defer to choosing someone else's characters so everyone gets a chance!
  • if you've already submitted, you don't need to resubmit unless you have a new character; I have kept all previously submitted forms!

That's it! All I need from you is reference and some standard information about your character! Keep the answers pretty short/concise so I can see at a glance whether your character will fit in the space I've got.

Fill out the form HERE!

Detailed info on the rules: these cameos are for Cinderfrost specifically, so I'll be choosing characters that are semi-realistic in appearance and coloration. No mythical creatures or extremely saturated/unnaturally coloured fur patterns. I don't have a problem with these designs, but since Ciel is established as being unnatural in this world, having any other 'unnaturals' in the background would conflict. Some unique colour patterns are acceptable in moderation under the basis it could be hair/fur dye. Certain levels of modification to suit the universe are fine too (ex: if your character has wings and isn't a bat or bird, but you're okay with the character being depicted without wings). Designs with tons of detail are unlikely to be chosen because they're distracting as background characters and can draw attention away from the focal point of a panel. Sorry for all the 'rules' and what-not, I just want to make sure that people know what's up so they can submit whichever characters of theirs are most likely to fit!




It's so amazing of you to do this for patrons! I love all the detail you put in backgrounds and background characters; it really shows how dedicated and caring you are ;;w;;


Submitted! ^_^ Thank you for the opportunity!


Ohhh yayayay!!! Submitted, both my roommate and I love your Cinderfrost comics ^^ i love that you are doing this for your patrons its awesome, i absolutely love all the detail and efforts you put in your backgrounds. Defiantly looking forward to your next pages!!


I had to resubmit twice because I'm an idiot and messed up lol;;


Awesome! I submitted my trusty golden tiger again, you always draw him so perfectly~ c:




Submitted! Was kinda confused on the form, so I hope the info provided suffices. Thank you for the opportunity!


Submitted both my ferret character and his rabbit bf. I think this is a lovely idea!


so submitted, a dingo has gotta get some fun in his life lol


Submitted my fox. It's such a nice idea to offer this chance to your Patreons


Is there a way to see/make sure our previous submissions went through, or which characters we submitted?


Rip I just realized I put my furaffinity username instead of my name here when I filled out the form whoops x'D I've been putting 'Arpeggio' as my name in the months polls too. I honestly forgot what I put my name as here on Patreon ;n;


Unfortunately, no, google docs don't send out confirmation e-mails or anything after. I can always check it for you though if you want to message me with the correct info?


That's okay! Thanks for letting me know, I'll know it's you then :)


This is really cool ^^ My character might be too weird with the blue no idea but itll be really cool to see all the cool cameos :P