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Here's the first half of September's Sketchbook! Wanted to try something with light and speed painting, plus a few naughty sketches.

Here's a little story to go with the top three:

Forbidden Fruit: Ruben had never meant to develop feelings for his boss's assistant. As a body guard, it was his duty to protect the man at all costs - even if Grimsby was a raging dickhead. Sweet Taryn complicated things... Especially since Taryn wasn't just Grimsby's assistant, he was also a part time mister. For weeks, Ruben did his best to avoid staring, star-struck, into the fox's gorgeous lavender eyes. He restrained himself when Taryn seemed to, deliberately, stand closest to him in the packed elevator rides. He was off-limits. That didn't stop it being so damn difficult.

Until one night, on a regular guard shift at Grimsby's hotel room, all duty went out the window. He'd been bracing himself for the deep pang of jealousy when Grimsby and Taryn began engaging in their 'after-work activities.' Instead, there was a strangled cry of pain. Ruben burst through the door, prepared to ward off a potential assassin - only to come face to face with Grimsby trying to restrain a struggling Taryn. The fox's arm was bleeding from deep scratches down the length of his wrist and his face was twisted in fear as Grimsby yanked Taryn towards him. Ruben, unthinking, launched himself at the doberman and punched him in the face. Grimsby, though athletically built, had not expected he'd need to defend himself against his own bodyguard. He went down, stunned, and Ruben twisted his arm to keep him pinned there. Calling for backup, Ruben turned to see whether Taryn was alright. The fox sat curled up at the far side of the bed, cradling his injured arm. Once backup had arrived, along with a first-aid kit, Ruben surrendered Grimsby to the police and sat next to Taryn on the bed. Cautiously, he offered a hand. "Can I take a look at your arm?" After a pause, Taryn extended his arm for Ruben to inspect. He began the delicate work of disinfecting the scratches, testing to see if anything was broken, and bandaging the injury. All the while, he distracted Taryn with idle conversation about the shitty weather lately and how boring his job was usually, that spending time with Taryn was much preferable. The fox averted his eyes, shy, but with a pleased smile he tried in vain to hide. After that, the paramedics arrived, and Ruben was dismissed to his own hotel room. There, he tried to sleep, but pictures of Taryn's tentative smile kept dancing behind his eyelids. Maybe, he thought wistfully, things could be different now? 

A knock at the door startled him awake. He must have nodded off eventually. He stumbled to the door and opened it, expecting the police here to question him about the incident. Instead, Taryn stood in the hall, bundled in a fluffy nightgown. "Can I... come in?" Stunned, Ruben silently stepped out of the doorway. Taryn padded inside and he shut the door behind him. He felt a sudden wave of embarrassment, since he was nearly naked in a pair of boxer briefs. 

"I, um, wanted to thank you... for intervening," Taryn said.

Ruben cleared his throat, realizing he hadn't spoken at all out of shock. "It's - uh - it was no problem. I couldn't just-" Taryn's gaze held his for a beat. "Nevermind."

"I wanted you to know that I told the police everything. You won't lose your job."

Ruben hadn't been worried about that. It hadn't even crossed his mind. The only thing that had mattered at the time was making sure Taryn was alright.

Then Taryn did something Ruben doubly hadn't expected. He stepped up close and lay his injured arm against Ruben's chest, reaching up into his mane. There was a question in his eyes that he seemed too nervous to voice. Ruben bit the inside of his cheek to keep steady on his feet as he felt drawn magnetically forward. Every nerve in his body was firing with the heat of Taryn's touch and it was all he could do to resist closing the last few inches between them. But then Taryn's hand in his mane gave a slight pull and he was powerless to resist, bending to the fox's will, leaning the rest of the way forward to kiss him with all the earnest passion he'd kept at bay. Taryn's body surrendered to the kiss in full. He opened his mouth and arched his back, letting Ruben wrap both arms around him. Drawn inexorably forward, Ruben stumbled and they fell back into the dresser. Taryn was not for a moment deterred, he only depened the kiss further. His dressing gown fell open a fraction and Ruben let out a low keen of distress when the fox wrapped two naked thighs around his own, his pink erection now bare and pressed against the thin cotton of Ruben's boxers. Taryn seemed determined to force those noises out of him again, because he immediately started tugging the boxer briefs down and finally it was naked flesh against naked flesh. Rubbing fervently together, braced against the dresser. Taryn didn't even bother suppressing a desperate noise of pleasure as, slicked with precum, he arched his hips rhythmically with Ruben's. Patience waning, he took one of Ruben's hands and brought it to his ass. That's when he realized Taryn had... prepared himself. He was slick and supple under Ruben's hands and, when he probed the fox's entrance with a finger, he rewarded Ruben with a sharp nip on the neck. 

The realization that Taryn had wanted this just as bad, planned for it, come here in the dead of the night wearing only a housecoat to precipitate all this, hit him with the force of a cartoon anvil.

This time he did not hesitate in gathering Taryn up in his arms and falling into bed with him. He bent his head against Taryn's neck and aligned his hips. He might have gone slow, but at that moment Taryn wrapped both legs around his waist and dug his heels in. Gasping, he thrust in deep and revelled in the way Taryn threw his head back and moaned, begging him not to stop there. And Ruben didn't. He caved completely to Taryn's will, giving him exactly what he asked - in detailed language he'd never heard out of the fox's mouth before - until finally they both lay spent and tangled together on the bed. 

It was, he thought, the best reward he'd ever received for punching a client on the job.



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