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Twenty pages in and off to a fiery bang :D




god clearly these firemen don't understand what being hell-touched means, she just BECAME hell-touched because of the fire, (not sure it its surviving it instead of dying or dying and coming back). but to think she can control her powers right now would be insane...


Not sure how I feel about falling into the "she's different, burn the witch!" trope.


Yeah, it's a little jarring that this society is otherwise as modern and current as ours, except for this one thing where apparently normal people and state workers are expected to mob "witches" on sight. Considering they legitimately have supernatural powers, I'm really confused as to why government spooks don't vanish these people away to study them. On top of that, with the powers being real, why are normal people in the 21st century in a first world country not asking questions and trying to find out what it means? Does this version of the world have an authoritarian theocracy ruling it? Why are common people so terrified of this? Hopefully Demi explains this stuff in the story, because it's quite a confusing slice of the world we've seen so far, without the supporting context for how it ended up like this.