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Here's part 1 of the sketchbook for August! Hope you enjoy it :D Here are a couple little stories to go with.

Photoshoot - It wasn't Nikki's first photoshoot, but it felt like it. Killian was a legend and he commanded the camera in ways Nikki could only hope. To make matters worse, it was such a seductive shoot, with nothing but a piece of cloth covering him and nothing at all to mask the beauty of Killian's lanky limbs. The photographer brought them a chair for a prop and Nikki found himself folded between Killian's slender thighs. In a moment of daring, he lost himself and leaned against Killian, who bent over him with possessive hands trailing down his body. One lay against his throat, almost threatening. "Yes, perfect, keep going!" the photographer shouted. Spurred on, Nikki let his tongue slip subtly against the inside of an elbow. "I've got it. I've got the shot," the photographer said, and they broke apart. Killian went immediately to have a look over the photographer's shoulder. "Come look at this, Nikki," the fossa said. The photo was intense. Killian looked near predatory, claiming Nikki with his every limb and daring the viewer to try and take him away. Nikki was embarrassed to see that the sheet covering him had slipped scant inches down, so that a hint of pink against pale fur was visible. "That's the shot," the photographer said. "You guys can take a break." "We make a good team," said Killian, making Nikki blush. "Thanks." Shy and afraid of annoying the veteran model, Nikki retreated to his trailer, but not ten minutes had passed before there was a knock at the door. Killian advanced into the small space, a smile on his angular face. "Seems a shame to waste all that chemistry on a few photos," he said. And the next thing he knew, Nikki was on his back, tangled once again in those long limbs, his own scrabbling for purchase in the sheets to thrust backwards onto the perfect cock sunk deep in his ass. Nikki could do little but writhe and shiver as wave after wave of pleasure shot through him. Not once did Killian take his eyes off him. No photo had ever made him feel so beautiful.

Stud Con - Lyria had never been to stud con before, but many other mares had, and from what she heard it was not something to be missed. She went alone and nervous, but with a plan. There was a stud called Ruben known for being one of the more potent bachelors of the con. She hadn't expected the sheer noise as she walked into the stables. The clatter of hooves struggling for purchase on the cobbles, the whinny of heated mares, the whuffing pants of studs. Mares milled around in search for suitable studs, some of them wearing proudly the signs they'd already been bred once or twice. Sticky thighs, bite marks, a red hand print on a pert ass cheek. Tables lined the stables and at each was a placard naming the stud giving his service there. Many of them were already very busy. It was a cacophony of sex and lust, but she managed to find her mark just as he emptied generous amounts of cum into a chestnut mare. Lyria had never seen such potency - it had been on his biography, but to see it was something else.  Ruben pulled out sloppily and gave the mare a slap on the ass as she pranced away. Lyria stood frozen, suddenly afraid to approach, but Ruben caught her eye and smiled. He crooked a finger and, as if in a trance, she found herself walking up to him. He was not shy, though, and she found it infectious. He picked her up by the hips and propped her up on the stall table. "What's your name, lovely?" he asked and she couldn't help a giggle. "Lyria," she said, as his hands travelled lower, massaging soothing circles into her hips. "I came here just for you," she found herself saying. Ruben gave a charming smile. "What a coincidence, I came here just for you too," he said, and slipped a finger between her legs. She gripped his shoulders hard. "Is this your first time at stud con, then?" he asked as he prepared her, his erection rising surprisingly fast to the challenge. "Y-yes," she whimpered. Ruben flashed that charming smile again and said, "I'll be sure to make it special, then." When he mounted her, she saw stars. Beside her, another mare was squealing as a massive shire bred her, but it all seemed very far away and only added to her desire. Ruben made her cum no less than three times before finally giving her what she'd come for. She felt his cum seep out between her thighs and onto the table in a thick, white fountain. Ruben groaned and dropped a kiss between her breasts. "Welcome to the family."



Morgan Leger

Perfect timing for my birthday! Love your art and the work you do. Than you ^_^


grate stuff as always


can't wait for part 2!