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Hello all!

This is just a notice I'm posting both here and Furaffinity to explain my lack of activity.

Unfortunately, this past week has been exceptionally hard. My girlfriend's father was taken to hospital for a chest infection related to his COPD, which he'd been treated for for years. Chest infections were a fairly regular occurrence for him, but he always recovered. This time his health took a turn during the night and the doctor's prognosis went from years, to months, to days. My girlfriend and I booked flights to Ireland to see him. When we booked the flights we figured he would be okay, by the time we got there we knew he wouldn't be. He passed away and we extended our stay for the funeral, which was a really beautiful ceremony, but (needless to say) a very sad and emotionally fraught day. Overall, the week was pretty harrowing, not least of all for my gf.

I had to take that week off from working on commissions/patreon. I did bring my laptop and had one day where I worked on things, but I'm obviously behind schedule. The cost of flights and the trip has also really killed me financially. I have to go to Canada for six weeks between June and July for two weddings - my sister's and my best friend's. Both of them I'm a bridesmaid and it's really expensive. Makeup, bachelorette parties, dresses and the flights alone are worth much more than two months' rent. I'd already bought my flights, but my savings for the rest have dwindled pretty badly this past week. In addition to that I have a con in two weeks time (London Comic Con), which I've had planned for ages but is now feeling like the worst timing ever for a con.

As a result, I may be taking on emergency commissions in the coming week. I have seven commissions in my queue, plus regular patreon stuff, and I need to finish my current commissions first. So the commissions I take on wouldn't be completed in the usual turn-around time. I'd basically be offering them with a massive disclaimer that commissioners would need to be really patient with me while I catch up on work and get all this real-life stuff sorted out. I feel pretty exceptionally lucky in that, by a huge majority, furries are really patient and understanding when it comes to waiting for a piece of artwork. Never the less, I felt I should really warn both my commissioners and patrons why I've more or less vanished for a week and returned so disorganized and stressed out.

So, if you're looking to get a commission, keep an eye out this week on FurAffinity for a journal, as I may open for a dozen or so to help me through the coming month. It's otherwise business as usual for me, and I hopefully won't fall too far behind. Weirdly, a week has become a really long time for me work-wise, but I'm gonna try my hardest not to be late!

Thanks so much for your understanding <3




We all understand! Take as much time as you need to get settled with thing in real life. I'm sorry for yours and your GFs loss.


I'm sorry for your loss and I really hope everything works out well. Take as much time as you need.


I'm so sorry for the loss you and your girlfriend have had. Please take all the time you need!


Wishing you and your family the very best ♥️


Wow, Im sorry to hear about your GFs dad, and then all the financial situations piling up on you. I hope things work out for you.


Sorry to hear about all the troubles. From my perspective at least, if you need to delay patreon stuff to focus on commissions to raise money, that's totally cool. I'm happy to keep supporting.


Um hey. First I wanna say sorry for your lost , I know how it feels to lose a loved one. Second sorry hear about you stressing out lately, believe me life will find a way to make things worst. Third, I wanted to ask if you could draw Kara Resch in that police outfit she wore in that costume party comic please. But if you're too busy or you don't take requests that's fine, cause I think Kara looks really sexy in that outfit.


Sometimes life throws us a curve and we struggle to make it through but in the end we come out stronger than ever. I'm very sorry for both of you're pain and even though it hurts with time it will get easier. That in mind I'm sure even though your behind everyone here will understand and be patient in waiting for you to finish. Just remember to take care of each other first everything else second.