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When bad luck strikes, it doesn't ever let up. All of Livingston is shut down again tomorrow. No access to mailroom or licensing offices again. They "might" reopen Wednesday... I should have known to be honest.




Can you try a different licensing office within Polk county? If you do don't mention any problems just ask for the transfer and plates and see what they do. It might be just a problem with the person you were dealing with.

Theresa Phillips

Eric, create an LLC. It’s easy to do in Montana. They have many advantages,such as, permanent plates for vehicles over 11 years old and no need to renew every year. I’m sure you can create an LLC in Arizona also. Register Bigfoot as a vehicle of the LLC. I can help you.or google it. Many RVs use Montana. I’m researching now to see if you even need to go in person.

Brian Sharp

my daughter used to work for a registered agent company that does exactly what Theresa is talking about.