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Look, I've been doing this awhile.... I know that "effort" put into making a video NEVER equals views or likes for some reason. It's annoying and depressing when you work so hard and then get the 8th worst views in the last month. ALL THREE Disney videos performed better. I'm postponing tomorrow's sheduled video until at least Saturday. I worked too dang hard to put out these two videos and lose so many views. I don't know. I guess my viewers just really don't care to see me travel anymore and share the quirky... Things have changed.  It's fine though. I miss Taterland. I could be getting MUCH better views just filming the snow and living off-grid than enjoying the good weather of the southwest. I need to stop putting in so much effort into my videos. It just makes the slap in the face all that much more painful. I'm not "blaming" you patrons, just letting you into my private life behind the scenes. Tomorrows video will likely air Saturday instead now. I'm heading back to Quartzsite to go sit with friends and put less effort into the channel. 



Deborah Harmse

I’m with everyone who mentions the holiday season. It’s so busy for most people. Their normal routines are completely disrupted. Views will no doubt pick up after the 1st. Until then, enjoy your down time, make videos you can be proud of and be confident you do good work, because you do. About heading back to Taterland…you do know it going to be chilly,right. You don’t do chilly so well…😕 Just a thought. PS. Merry Christmas!

Greg and Dawn

My husband and I are so excited about you traveling and sharing all the places!! I hope you change your mind!!