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I don’t really know what to say anymore. Now it’s going to be 19° overnight. You know it’s been a really strange year here where I bought my property. Going off what Kevin experienced his first year, nothing has gone the same. Last summer it only hit 92° one time all summer for the high. This year while I was here in July, 15 of the 30 days in July were all over 95° and record-breaking. Kind of strange for 7000 feet apparently. Whatever. Then last winter, Kevin never saw any temperatures drop below 20° for the entire winter. We’re still almost 2 months away from the start of winter and here we are with a forecasted 19° overnight, which will smash the previous record. And we have two days of this. so all the stores are completely out of antifreeze. And I haven’t been on panic alert all day, draining all my tanks and all my water and blowing out all the airlines and I still don’t know if I’m gonna make it through the night. I have a really bad feeling that we’re going to have some expensive repairs later this week. I don’t know what to do but just laugh anymore. Everywhere I go is smashing Weather records constantly. Stuff that has never happened in these areas in the history of keeping records. I don’t know what else to do. I’m just sharing it with you for fun. I’m still waiting on my RV registration. Otherwise I would not still be here. I’m stuck.



C-Shell Surf

Sending you some warm aloha with the weather, Eric. Use the mantra "Everything is going to work out." Stay safe & warm with the kitties. Peace & aloha


Looks like the cold weather is arrive in the South tonight, lows for the next three days in SC mountains is the mid 20s. Just winterize my RV.