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Both kitties are relatively healthy, but have some evidence of fleas so we’re going to get them on some temporary treatment for that.



Bill & Amanda

They are so cute! We use flea lights . Christmas tree builb in round circle ⭕️ light with sticky changeable paper in bottom of lamp. Lamp and refill on Amazon.

Donna F

Aw, Terra looks so upset with you. Lol poor baby

Nicholas Ervin

I left this comment on your YT video.... But figured I'd leave it here too. As a cat dad of 4 now.... I've used Revolution for probably a decade or more now. I'm like you... I don't like to use it. And typically give my cats a dose every 3-4 months when necessary. But as far as flea prevention goes; Revolution is probably the safest you can use without going all natural. It's a cousin to Ivermectin. Yes the Ivermectin that the left has gone bat shit crazy just by the mention of it; ever since it was discovered and mentioned by Trump to treat C19. My grandfather used Ivermectin as a heartworm prevention in Dogs for all of my life. And never had a single issue. My grandfather was a renowned bird dog breeder, handler, trainer, and bird hunter. I grew up on a farm with 100's of hunting dogs.