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I’m not sure what the glitch was yesterday with three of my posts actually being uploaded without the associated pictures. I was really busy yesterday with family and did not get a chance to double check this, so I’m just uploading all of the pictures that are associated with those posts that were removed by Patreon for some reason. Thank you guys for letting me know. I’m sorry I couldn’t fix the problem quicker. Hopefully this post shows up with those pictures now…



Deborah Harmse

Great photos…thanks. ( Love the bear by the pole at the pizza place.

Mysterious Cat

You certainly made up for it. Love your pics. But you were outdone by the Trump gang, who totally excelled themselves today with their studied mugshot poses ! Awesome ! They must have been at the mirrors for hours. The Don and Rudi in particular - grrreat pics there ! "Tough Guys". Yesssss. Bring it on .......... The Republic will not fall. b.t.w. I've been looking in on the channel for RV Odd Couple - they've been doing some great uploads recently, even at the risk of their Youtube channel. Recommended !