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So, you'll see a YouTube video from me in about 4 hours about rehoming Tig. But I wanted to give you the latest update that Tig has been adopted by a family of 4 (with 2 kids) and a big yard in Lakeside, AZ. While some time has passed for me in this emotional roller coaster, I feel like the best has happened for Tig. Doesn't make me feel less of a failure, but at least I know he's in a better place with more room and more attention. I'm still uneasy about HOW this will be turned on me on today's video to the public, but if it gets bad, I will disable comments and let everyone digest this over the weekend. This has been one of the hardest decisions of my life. But in the end, this was the right path for myself and for Tig. If you don't support me in this, you're free to leave. I'm all packed up and ready to head out of Arizona. I will update you this weekend about my adventures. -Eric


Jeremy Davis

All that matters is you’re happy and Tig is in a good home!

David Daugherty

Eric, it is so much better that you did this sane thing earlier in Tig's life rather than later. He will adapt to the change much easier. My wife and I are foster parents in dog rescue organizations. Mostly corgis and I can tell some stories about dogs we have taken in. The stories are not so much about the strays but more about being fostered from bad situations. One particular story is about a 6 year old corgi that was being free fed. Corgis should never be free fed because they will gain much too much weight. This particular one came to us at 57 lbs. They should be no more than 30. The dog was so fat that it could barely walk and when it did it dragged its paws till they bled. It had developed diabetes and needed insulin shots. The owner said just put the dog down and left it at the vet. That was when the vet contacted us. For your situation you did this best thing possible and you should never feel ashamed of that or feel like a failure.


Eric, you did the best thing for Tig and for you. It is not a failure and it was far from selfish. Your heart was in the right place when you adopted and it still was when you regimes him. I know it was a decision that was heartbreaking for you, but was the right one. This is precisely why so many rescues have a trial period. You did the best that you could to to make it work and you did the best you could when it didn’t. Do NOT feel ashamed or like a failure! Puppies are HARD and traveling with one is even harder. We know from experience. And you can only know if dog ownership is right for you until you gain that experience. Putting yourself out there on social media is HARD! On one hand it is amazing but unfortunately the huge downside is all the hateful cowards that use it to say and do hurtful things they would never have the courage to do in real life to your face. Such a sad commentary on the side on humanity social media has so easily produced. Getting rid of them is the best thing you can do for you and your mental health. No one needs to allow that negativity in their life. It’s YOUR journey and you deserve a peaceful one! Thank you for sharing a part of it with all of us. ❤️🙏

Joel and Amy Henderson

You did the absolute best thing for Rig from the beginning! You gave him a loving home and got him a great start in life and then you blessed him with an entire family!! 💜✝️💜

Betty Garcia

I do understand what you're going through and I will support you in whatever decisions you have to make. I know you will always do what's best for all. I'm sorry you've had to make such difficult choices but know that the ones that really care will stand by you no matter what like myself.