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Bright side is that it isn’t raining. For real, I hope it’s nothing serious 💙

Joanne Winters

This sucks I hope it's nothing serious hopefully you're able to get some help


Oh No, hope it's nothing serious and you're on the road again soon.


I’ll PRAY that it’s not a chewed wire!! Sorry buddy!! Hope it’s something simple!! Perhaps 🤔 this will make for good content…maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️☹️ 😬🫤


Uh oh, spaghettio

Shawn Doyle

Sorry man ben there done that way too many times


Hope it isn’t a gift from the pack rats.

Deborah Harmse

Oh geez, and things were going so well. Hope it’s an easy fix.


Sorry youre going thru this... ull get thru it my friend

A. Booth

I'm so glad you are smart to take a little trip before heading west, so it happens befor your are way away from home!

Josh C

And the rats win...

Mary Brown

At least you aren’t in Phoenix with 107 temps!


Hang in there Eric! Hopefully it’s a quick fix. 🤞


I took a screen shot today when it reached a “real feel” of 120 according to the weather app 🥵 🌵 🌞

Mysterious Cat

Well you see this is what happens when you show a lenient attitude towards rodents. The rats probably saw your collection of Mickey Mouse and thought it was okay to hang around. And you should have got a court order too as I suggested.

Carole Rotella

Oh no!!! wishing you the best 🤞🤞