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Josh C

Opie says get your putz with a butz up!

stanley thomas

Better than hot doggie breath any day


Or a dog butt directly in your face. I have two and they both do that 😆😆

Deborah Harmse

Kind of hard to ignore. 😹

Mysterious Cat

They were trying to wake you up to take them to Six Flags


It's Opie's stare down for me... LOL

A. Booth

Lol, love it!!!!

Joanne Winters

They are so precious you are so lucky and they are so lucky to have you pure love


You are a Lucky Man ! 😻😻


so cute, come on Dad we're hungry

Cali Behr

There is no snooze button on a cat that wants breakfast!

Marie McAllister

Please I have 4 dogs that pushed me out of bed today. The cat was mad because before I fell out she fell out.Not a happy kitty. Or me🤣🤣🤣