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Yikes 😳 😬 poor Opie 🐱❤️😉

Josh C

Get that away from Opie!


Opie, that is a "nope rope", leave it alone!

Joanne Winters

Please teach him to beware of snakes

Mysterious Cat

Mrraaawh ! Hss-asp ! Which means, " Watch out for snek ! " Oh Opie, do be careful.


Off topic I’m watching your old videos from years ago, 2014/5/6 and I have an observation. Because at one point you said that your channel is dying. And I don’t think it’s dying but I think that there’s something really special about your videos when you’re first starting out and there’s this sense of wonder an urgency that might not be a strong as your more recent videos. I think that was really attractive to people. I wonder sometimes if you kind of got back to your roots of being contemplative and focus on how you feel in response to your surroundings versus the technology and getting new toys etc. if that wouldn’t boost your channel. Just a thought and observation.

Nomadic Fanatic

I definitely agree with you. I was connecting with viewers a lot better back in the early days then today. It seems like my entire audience has completely changed. If I try to give a tip or share anything helpful, everyone loses their mind because I’m not making a travel video or showing some thing on the road lol. Things have certainly changed


There was something magical about your older videos. But in looking at numbers here’s something to consider. You had far less subscribers but you were making more money than you are now. Now I just look at what social blade says, I don’t know what the whole story is but whatever you were doing then was working best for YOU. There was just something about how you connected with people and let people in more. Now there’s so many toys and gadgets that of course it’s going to give people an opportunity to speak up and say some thing about your gadgets. But so what? Let them talk. What’s important is that you have this channel and you CAN grow it and I think that you can make this channel into something really special again. I’m not saying that it’s not special now, but you know what I’m saying.

Mysterious Cat

An additional factor is the diluting effect of the an increasingly saturated field. Now there are many van-lifers and full time Rvers doing quality work. Yet Eric is doing better than most still.


I’m trying to formulate my thoughts here and I feel like I’m rambling but I just saw another post where you acquired another material thing. And I guess what I’m trying to say is your videos back in the day were more about acquiring the experience of traveling and then sharing that with your viewers. It would take us to really magical pretty places with waterfalls and sunsets and you would take us there with you. It wasn’t so much about acquiring things which seems the opposite of what traveling is all about when you think about it. So sometimes I wonder if the focus on getting things is to the detriment of your actual monetization and your pleasure. That’s what I’m trying to say. But I want to make sure I say it in a constructive way with empathy toward you because I also tend to acquire things as well so I’m also talking to myself. I would love to see more videos of you just sharing your joy in nature because I think they really connected with people. You could try and experiment with this again but without telling your audience that you’re going to do it, just do it and see what the numbers do.


Yeah Mysterious Cat there is that. I’m an affiliate marketer and I do really well, and I mean really really well. I don’t use YouTube or make videos but I am familiar with monetization and optimization. And I think that Eric can optimize his channel to squeeze the most revenue out of it and I don’t think that he’s really tapped into that just yet. I think that there’s a way for him to connect more with his roots engage his audience and squeeze the numbers.


Eric, as a long time follower of yours I want to say that I like the variety you present. I've found that I stop follow a lot of people online when one video after another is just like the rest. Keep on being "you" - it's what your channel is about. Well, and two adorable kitty cats. :-)


Noooo....... Opie doesn't like that. I hate snakes. Doesn't matter what kind. Be safe out there! Hug the kitties. 🐱🐱

Deborah Harmse

Brenda, I was watching older videos, too, and I notice something as well: Eric was “real and down to Earth.” By that I mean his delivery was more conversational and not as “on camera” as is the case today. It’s like Eric the performer instead of Eric the nomad taking us along on his adventures. I still enjoy his current videos. I just really enjoy the earlier ones and they are worth binging. (And that Opie—he’s soooo adorable.

Debbie T

Don’t let Opie see how beautiful snakes are 🐍! He might try to kiss one that may not be as friendly.