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Black Betty is for sale in Olympia, WA. I'm done. I can't escape the rain. I need a car. I'm selling it for $4K less than I paid, plus the added $6K in mods. Might not even sell in a state that never stops raining, but I'm serious. I can't do this. 




Seems like it would be cheaper to keep the bike that you luv and move on down the road to somewhere that it's not raining all the time.


Come up to Vancouver bro it's sunny and warm here

Ron And Mendy J

I will attest it’s raining again today. Yesterday was sunny ☀️ but today the rain is back. It’s driving me a bit crazy, lazy and depressed. Can you park your trailer and bike at your sisters? I would love to see more videos of Idaho it is a very diverse state♥️. Or even Eastern WA tri cities area. But honestly I’d prob sell the bike for now you can always buy another. Keep the trailer! That can be very useful. BTW Load up on vitamin D


Eric. Keep the bike and trailer, you've spent so much time and effort. Finish your memorial service and go back to the shop and get Tater Tot. You have a great set-up now. Don't give it away.

Nomadic Fanatic

I slept on it. If I get my full asking price, I will still sell it this summer with demand up so high. If not, no worries. It will be safe here when I get it back.


O.K., young man, here is what I would suggest. It is only worth what you paid for it (my opinion), so here goes: Monday morning after Fathers Day, hook it all up and head East of South East, but get out of that part of the country. Yes, motorcycles are fun, but you can't count on them for daily transportation. But, if would get out of the RAIN capital of the Conterminous United States, you would find you can get more use out of it. In other words, I wouldn't sell, I would relocate.

Bill Langton

Don't sell the bike - relocate when you can - borrow a car from family when you need one. We're not all going away - we'll be right here when the weather turns more favorable. Mother Nature is a fickle Bi%#$ and we have ZERO control over her. Concentrate your energy on those things you can control, not the things you can't!


Aw So sad!


I've seen the way she makes you smile. Don't give her up yet.


I completely understand your frustrations. With the rain in the Pacific Northwest it has made things so difficult for you. But I will say the grin on your face in the last couple videos was undeniable while riding Black Betty. I do hope you end up keeping it. But I also understand needing to get the car. Hopefully your friend’s place will work out until you can bring it home. Hang in there!!


GOD's sending the rain to keep the West Coast fires away