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Today I learned a valuable lesson while riding my motorcycle behind a livestock trailer on the highway… A hard lesson. A piece of info I wish had been explained to me before I came up close behind a semi truck hauling live cattle, looking for a way to pass him. The stench of piss and crap almost made me vomit in my helmet. Then (because we were traveling up a steep grade… ) I began to see liquid spraying out of the back of the trailer… followed by that mysterious liquid hitting my windshield and glasses and face. It was a fine mix of cow crap and piss. Yeah… And at the point I realized I couldn’t safely pass him, I finally had to pull over and accept the fact of what had just happened. I’m back to camp now. Showered, and clothes in a trash bag outside for now. Will be washing the bike down later as well. If you are on a bike and see a livestock trailer ahead, DO NOT approach. It is literally just spraying animal feces out the open back. How that’s legal, I have no clue. Just pull over and find another route. Today was a crappy day and I’m done. The stories “real men” on bikes will never tell you… Awesome.



Ron And Mendy J

We were next to one at a rest stop. It’s the most disgusting thing to smell. And you realize when you step out of your RV and step back in what is tracked in on your feet from the ground is the grossest !!


Come on everyone, only green grass and water. I have to admit to having a good laugh. Visiting with a livestock hauler, he recalled an incident where he had been pulled over by the Highway Patrol and the officer was walking up beside the rig when one of the animals let loose. Had him pretty well covered. Someone has already mentioned the difference in cattle and swine poo. A friend of mine was raised on the farm and the family had a livestock hauling business. He recounted a time they were hauling hogs and were stopped at a traffic light in town. A somewhat new convertible pulled along side. Just then one of the hogs let loose and shot it into the car. Hope those help with the way you are feeling. Not fun when it happens, but funny later.


Similar to what Bill Palone said, I have a friend that is a trucker. He mostly hauls cattle. He talks about how you have to hurry with your transport because of the weight of the cows. They weigh going in and they weigh upon delivery - thus the urgency. He told me of a time he was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic and a convertible pulled up next to him. He watched in his side mirror as one of the cows pissed an arch right into said convertible. He said there was nothing that could be done. Traffic started moving and so did he. Gross... not something one thinks about.


If you ride long enough, you'll get caught in that trap. It happened to all of us. When on a multi-lane highway, I would hang way back, then twist the throttle as far as possible and zoom past the livestock truck, and in Illannoys there are plenty of them. Yep, hogs are the worst.


It sucks no doubt about it. Been there done that. It is gross to say the least. I have learned to stay way back, then get by as fast as you can. Welcome to the club by the way. You truly know you ride when this eventually happens to you. Everybody I know that has ridden for any length of time goes thru this exact same thing (just once).

Mickey B. Payne

Mysterious Cat; it does have to be somewhat humane for the animals. There are government regulations, but I have seen bi- level livestock carriers in the past to maximize space.

Alan Lair

I was on the 219 in North Caroline enjoying the curves and a truck towing a few heifers pulled out in front of me not with in a few hundred yards and one of them heifers make it flood then the next. Piss and shit all over the road, I’ve never seen that happen before I’ll keep an eye out for the large tractor trailers from now on.

Mysterious Cat

They should be squashed in with hydraulic rams, compacting them in to use every square inch.



David Daugherty

but, did you get it on camera?!