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I’m going to share some very personal information in this post and try to explain some of the emotional pain going on in my life right now. There are going to be some big changes in my life in the next 9 months. But today, I’m going to get you caught up with how I got to this point. 3 years ago I found someone I wanted to share my life with. I loved her enough to sell my Class C RV and put all the money into a larger Class A which I financed for $100,000. Angela left me 2 weeks later and returned to her prior life, having just put her van in storage. In full transparency, I did not have the “credit” score to pull off this purchase alone, and the dealership asked specifically for Angela to be a co-signer. Really without a single thought, she agreed, even though I put the $25,000 down and was paying the $700/month thru my personal bank account…Angela never paid anything. So, before my first payment was even charged to my account, I spoke with the Dealership and my finance company and told them the news and that Angela and I wanted to re-write things and remove her obligation to the contracts. (because at first, she was cooperative and very much interested in getting out of the contract) The dealership refused to make the changes unless one of us was willing to get re-financed separately. Angela refused to help with that, but did say she would help me get registration setup at my Livingston address. That was the last I ever saw or heard from Angela. Last December, when I went into the Polk County Tax Collectors office to renew my registration, there was a problem. They said Angela must be present with ID to sign the annual registration in order to give out the sticker. I was very confused because Washington State and South Dakota don’t require all parties on there to be present… But they were not letting this go. Eventually, they said I could not register the RV at all until she was there in person together to sign the registration. (This after I’d already paid too) This awkwardness went on and on and I got more angrier as they kept refusing to lean and give me a break. Eventually, a HOURS later and calls to supervisers, I was allowed a one-time pass this year to get registered without Angela, but it was noted in relation to my vin number that next year Angela must be present, or this RV would not be registered. This is a very strict rule kinda unique to the State of Texas as I understand, but these last few months I’ve continued to try to get in touch with Angela. I came close in February, finding her sister and getting to explain everything about just needing her signature as she’s still half responsible for this RV… Her sister called me back almost immediately saying again that Angela will never speak to me, or lift a finger for me unless the RV was paid off and she was needed to deliver the title… I was just in shock. Complete shock. I’ve been in touch on and off with my finance company and dealership in Texas about this these past few weeks and we had one more 3-way phone call today. Unless I can produce a death certificate or army deployment for Angela, this RV will not be registered ever again without her signature in person this December. Or without a different type of ownership for the RV that does not include her name on the renewal. I’ll be honest that I do not have stellar credit. I could not get this RV without a co-signer to begin with. (I’d always preferred to own outright, but this was an investment into our relationship) And I cannot put it in my name alone. Where does that leave me? Right now Angela still owes $50K WITH ME… She’s hoping to wait this out another 6 years when it’s paid off and get her half of the RV!!!! But I’m not going to pay for something I can’t even drive anymore because it’s not able to be registered!!! I can’t believe what a horrible person she is. What did I do to deserve this? I’m also not particularly in love with this RV. That’s no secret. If the RV is totalled, the insuarnce goes to the dealership and I’ll STILL own money to them! There is no way out right now. I’ve exhausted every avenue I can. This accident was just the the last straw to continuing my trip back home. When it happened, I SNAPPED. I lost it. I cried and cried so much on that 4 day drive back to my shop. I just felt it all coming down finally. This RV never really felt like “freedom” like past RVs. It was a curse. And now what do I do? Just give up? Buy another RV outright and put it in my name so I can move on and just let them repo it? Buy a bus and build that? Anyways, that’s where I’m at in life right now. Hope that clears up things. To my friends and family back home, I’m not going to make it out that way this summer. But I will be stronger in the end. I’ve got to restart my life completely.


Debbie T

So sorry you are going through this. I wonder if you can register it in Florida. We just renew our registration through the mail with no signatures. No yearly vehicle inspections either.

Nicholas Ervin

I'm so sorry you're going through this. But I gotta say.... I've lived in Texas my entire 41yrs of life and have never had to sign to renew a registration. You can renew them online even. Or at a local grocery store such as Kroger. So not sure as to why they're giving you such grief.... But I'm wondering if it has something to do with the county its in.

Nicholas Ervin

And another thing.... I dunno how bad your credit is.... But I'd think about trying to fix it before December, because you should have enough time to do so and refinance it in your name only. But I'd try registering it in a different county of Texas like Tarrant, Dallas, or Harris County. I have myself and family with addresses in all of those counties and I know for certain they dont require ID or a signature to renew the registration. Its literally as easy as going to https://www.texas.gov/driver-services/texas-vehicle-registration/ after you get state inspection and renew. Or possibly find a different state to register RV in. If you need help, advice, an address to use, etc.... Reach out to me. I'm here to help. gtp2nv@gmail.com

Nicholas Ervin

Renew it online Eric.... No ID or signature required. And you even save a $1. lol Also if you have renewal letter you can renew in grocery store such as Kroger, HEB, Randalls, etc. Here's more information on vehicle registration renewal in Texas.... https://www.txdmv.gov/node/4820

Nicholas Ervin

According to link I posted above.... Only time you need ID is at local tax office. But like I said in previous post... I've lived here in Texas my entire life and never needed an ID or signature to renew at local tax office. But I always renew it online now.... Much easier. Less hassle.


I hope Eric sees your comment Nicholas and looks into this.!!!

Nicholas Ervin

Me too!! I used to have his email. Guess I need to try and find it. So I can email him too. Or isn't there a way to send messages on Patreon? Because I know renewing it online would solve the registration problem. As far as getting Angela off the loan/title.... That's a different and more complicated issue. But from past experience of friends.... I know that can be done too. Because the whole couple co-signing and then splitting up thing happens more often than one would think.

Georgeana L Thornton

That’s strange about getting the tags , we are I. Tx and we are both on the class A we have and I got the tags at our local H‑E‑B grocery store. And hubby was not with me

Bob Hancy

My motorhome is registered in Fort Worth and needs to be inspected every year (unless I'm out of state which I usually am), I renew online...super easy. Maybe I'm missing something here about Eric's situation...but he shouldn't need to show ID or a signature (but I do own mine outright, so maybe it's a different procedure).


Time to get an attorney man. The situation just sucks and once that note gets on there its a pain in the butt. Sucks to walk away from it, but if you can get an attorney they can help limit the damage.

C-Shell Surf

Sending some aloha to you & hope this will all be resolved soon. Be safe, friend & you will find an answer.


Thank you for sharing this with us. I am very sorry you have had this experience and how 'A' is acting isn't fair, nor right. 'A' has a responsibility and ignoring it will not due. I have lost respect for her seeing her actions. Personal responsibility does not include feelings about a past relationship nor creating justification why it is alright to blow off your responsibility. I agree with 'Aquatics Live' about getting advice from a lawyer or attorney before the vehicle is reposed. Hugs for Opie and Tara!