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I was very careful with this edit. But it was time to discuss the price of gas and it will affect this channel and my travels moving forward...




There’s a lot of innocent people suffering in this world… I just think there’s a fine line between comedy and trying to express our own problems. I am the first one to support you… But understand there’s a lot bigger struggles than the price of gas… At least “you” can turn the key and leave…I just don’t like the thought of those poor kitties being in a war torn country… We have a better than most.

Will Culbertson

If you have a place down there to keep the RV for a few weeks, do more of the theme parks in the region. There are a lot of them you can do and they are probably cheaper than driving the RV at this point.


Make a break for the border, get out of CA hell hole. you'll save at least $3 gal, for now anyway

Solo Hiker

Obiden just banned Russian oil...prices just got worse...😥😢😭😰


See my comment in March 7 post. Don't get here as often as I do at home.

Joanne Winters

Eric after you have fun at Disneyland and everything you want to do in Cali get out of there do what you have to do Eric but if you stayed in one place for a while with your rig and use tater tot and did all your filming and that I'm sure your people would still stay no matter what you decide Eric I'm here I know they'll be a lot of us that will be you just take care of you and the babies and do what you have to do

Joanne Winters

That's really neat the green screen then anywhere you want to be awesome Eric


You need a second stream of income that pays more than YouTube. Note I said secondary, not a replacement.

Mysterious Cat

Eric Jacobs stars in a re-make of " The Road "

Alan Lair

What are the odds that California tops $10 a gallon by April?

Nomadic Fanatic

I can't share other people's stories or struggles. You can't bash me for telling my own story. You can't complain because I only share how MY life is going. This is the ONLY life I CAN share openly and I'm going to keep doing that no matter how you see it. People like you LOSE YOUR MIND when I share my perspective instead of crying and pretending to be someone else in a worse position. That's not how life works. I share my REAL life. You don't like my REAL LIFE, go follow someone from Ukrane for their story.

Nomadic Fanatic

Please tell me you're joking... Do you really believe this will only last 3 weeks and then go back to normal...?

Nomadic Fanatic

I don't know if it happens that soon, but it's very likely going to be that high with our reliance on ONLY importing oil.

Will Culbertson

Oh no, we have 3 more years of this. Just thinking about padding material for your channel.