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No, you're the Rain Man. LOL.😂


I'm totally teasing you. I hope it's a short rain shower.


I just checked my extended forecast app, and Michigan has rain in some form *every day*, at least through the 1st. I'd say forecasts can change, but since you're now in the state, it's a pretty safe bet they've got it right 🤪


Maybe the rain /isn't/ following you. 🤔 Maybe /you're/ following the rain.


Too much to hope for I guess


Rain went on vacation! Rain loves you so much it found you and will probably make up for lost time.🤪😳 Hope not!


Ohhh to have your rain 🙏😥🔥💔

Nomadic Fanatic

it just continues. Like a bad dream. But funny too. If I weren't here to prove it, you wouldn't believe it.

Debbie T

Well, don’t come to Florida. It’s been cloudy and off and on torrential down pour‘s for 4 weeks now. At least in N Central FL. But, it keeps the temperatures down ❤️


Most rain we've had in a year. Grass needed it. Thanks.

Nomadic Fanatic

last 6 months have produced more rain than my entire 40 years prior... I'm not even joking. 60+ FEET of rain and no signs of letting up.


Might want to leave the area. Forecast is showing rain all next week.

Nomadic Fanatic

I've put on 1100 miles in 3 months... There's nowhere else to go... Wherever you tell me to go in a drought will produce miracle-like record-breaking rain as soon as I get there...


For you rain every day is not good. I'd take rain everyday if I could. We have 22 fires burning now ( I can see the smoke plumes on 2) and extreme drought. I am now begging God for rain.


Maybe you should make a trip to see Sheila. See if you can get her some rain.