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Patreon Exclusive: RV Parking & Carpenter Bees



Some of those holes almost look like woodpecker holes.


Have a great weekend


Shade for the RV and house- Nice! Good plan for the bees.


You were sure productive today. :-) I'm enjoying seeing the changes you're making to your homestead. Enjoy the night off.


You really found the perfect place. I’m so happy for you.


Make sure you check the top of that beam for carpenter bee holes, too! Miranda the Nomadic RV/privacy fence! 😊


Hey Eric as a licensed pest control technician in the state of Iowa, I recommend you buy what’s called insecticide dust (can be purchased online) and put it inside all the holes. Leave it there for a few days so any bee that come back and get into contact with the insecticide will later die. After that paint all the uncovered wood, any wood eating insect will not eat the paint.


Carpenter bees are pollinators who continue working in weather that honeybees cannot tolerate...they do not chew up enough wood to cause any real damage. The females are the only ones who can sting and will sting usually only if handled. The males sometimes act aggressive but do not have stingers. Because they are pollinators and therefore important to the eco-system (especially since our honey bees are still dying in record numbers), most apicologists urge people to not kill them, you can stop them from coming back by painting the wood they are boring into and plugging the holes with caulk or wood putty. Also a periodic spraying of citrus oil will repel them, they hate that scent and will avoid anything that smells like it. An old log placed away from the house is also a great idea to attract them and keep them from chewing holes. They cannot and do not do any real damage, though. They can just be a nuisance, but distracting them to an old log is better than killing them. They do have a place and serve a purpose in the overall scheme of things just like most of the rest of God's creatures! ❤️🐝