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OK, this is not actually the finished version for tomorrow's video. Camo Dave is a POS troll who has been stealing my work and profiting from it for years. He "critiques" the nomads on his channel by re-uploading our work and getting away with it because he talks about his opinions of our work. He hates us all, he's not shy about it. His LIES are what drives his army's of hatred to do very stupid illegal things to us on the road. He sleeps just fine telling himself it's not his fault for what happens to us because he didn't do it directly. The problem is, his lies fuel the hate that has made me have to call the police to intervene several times. These people who lash out are not stable to begin with. When Dave fills their fragile heads with talk of "cat abuse" and "conning old ladies" - it drives them to strange stalking/harassment behavior. Ok, that's my Camo Dave explanation. On to the video here.... I've always wanted to do a funny parody commercial, and in this case I used Camo Dave's nasty facial hair as the butt of the joke to Sarah McClaughlan's SPSCA commercial from the 2000's. However, even as I share this clip with you hours after I created it, I don't like it anymore. I don't like giving Dave the time of day. And I don't know if the joke will be received well enough on YouTube. So, even though I'm sharing this with you today, I don't expect this version to make the final cut tomorrow morning. I'll either cut the Dave part, or swap it for something different if I feel so motivated. As always, your unbiased opinions are welcome. thanks! 


Work in Progress.



Camo Dave is ridiculous. Take the high road, Eric. You’re better than he is. I always say humor is t funny if it’s at someone else’s...ANYONE else’s expense. You’re right to can it. Those of us who know you wont give him the time of day.


I thought it was funny and you can do a lot with your newsroom concept. But edit out the part about Dave for all of the reasons previously listed. It was funny and I enjoyed it, but you don't want to dirty up your channel with Dave's filth or further incite his fans/your trolls. Rise above.


Don’t give a troll food.

Debbie T

That’s really funny 😢 Camo Dave is such an AHole!


I will just say two words; Streisand Effect.


We agree. We ended up losing a house because of someone taking advantage of us. But it is better to just move on and enjoy the good things in life. You have a lot of people that love you so concentrate on us. It is better to live a positive life.


Liked the video!! It probably felt good to slam Camo Dave as he obviously deserves it... but it wouldn’t feel good to get into some kind of YouTube war with him. Trust me, you can’t fight crazy people. They stop at nothing because they have nothing to lose. It will drag you into the gutter with him... yuk! 🤣 l


That Video was pretty awesome! Camp Dave does list his address in his YouTube channel. I’m tempted to send him a bar of soap!


Well actually - i discovered Dave as the first RV'er the tube pointed me at - and thru him came to u and also to robyn and carolyn and i now subscribe to all of u - n did so after watching only one or two of his vids. He's not on my watch list!


HA - i jus went n watched him!! but he's too frikkin boring so i didnt last long.


Funny - but I'm afraid all it will bring is more views for him. Don't let that BS get into your head, just ignore him....

Tom Williams

Kudos for not addressing that fella in the final video. You're a good man Charlie Brown.