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I just want to say thank you to those who've stayed with me and continue to support me here on Patreon which helps me make better videos. It hurts my heart slightly to lose so many patrons near the end of the month again. Another 28 had left before the first, but I don't know all the circumstances, so I won't speculate. I appreciate you staying with me if you're reading this. For February, I hope to be releasing more Patreon-Exclusive videos, bloopers, and at least one exclusive Behind the Scenes/Making-of video. Thanks, everyone! Have a wonderful week!



Eric, been following you for years and you’re one of three I *have* to follow. (Campervan Kevin and Carolyn are the other two ) I don’t care what your videos are about, I’m interested in all you and Jax are up to. I appreciate my virtual friends.

Ron And Mendy J

We’ve been following you for years and I respect how you started in a van getting your degree and worked hard to make a living traveling and sharing your life, sharing our beautiful country and people along the way. You remind me of our kids...the same in many ways. Keep it real and keep following your heart. Btw loved that little snip-it story of when you were a kid and would go out in a canoe on the sound and do your homework...very cool. From what I remember you were from a family of eight? I can see how you love your space. Lol Thanks for the fun years. ❤️

Kelly English

I've also been following you for years. Finally got to meet you in Quartzsite a couple years ago right after my wife passed away. Even though you were crazy busy, you took a minute and treated me like a friend. I wish I could support you more, but know, anytime you're in Colorado, you and Jax have a place to park, dump, refill, and chill for as long as you want. Keep doing your thing, you have friends, virtual and real!

Mike Salvatore “OutlawRVers.com”

Sorry so many have left. We support you with Patreon to live the life we wish we had through your camera lens. Thank you for all you do. We have been following you from the beginning so many years ago and it is unbelievable how professional your videos have become, how open and personal as a person you have become and we get the perks of watching the kitty grow up. Keep up the great work. We wish I was able to travel the country like you do. We drove our camper cross country three times over the past 15 years but wish we could be full-timers like you. Reality is we can not retire as of yet due to financial difficulties as we all have.

Will Culbertson

Eric, you have given us hundreds of hours of your life to entertain us. I can say that your channel is one of my must haves to watch and this is one way I can give back to you for all you have done. Keep up the good work and things will change again. I think people are getting over their holiday hangover as they look at their credit card bills. Just keep doing what you do (and you've gotten really good at it over the years) and we'll keep watching!


I'm sorry your patreon are leaving. I don't understand why. I'm not going anywhere so don't count me out. I just wish I could afford more. Hang in there, it'll get better.

Jeff Sheldon

Eric, THANK YOU! You've provided so much entertainment for those of us who cant travel as freely as you. While I would never trade my life and enjoy it (otherwise why would I stay) I dream of hitting the open road one day once the opportunity presents itself. As someone else said I think some people don't like to see you succeed with your weight loss goals. Honestly, you inspired me to try but I don't have anywhere near the willpower as you do and haven't succeeded. Your success reminds them of their failures and they don't want that reminder. Please also keep in mind some people try to "scam" Patreon by signing up every month and then canceling their membership or removing their credit card so they wind up not paying when the bill comes at the end of the month. Thanks again Eric!


I have watched you for a few years now and feel like you are a friend. I hope to see you on the road or a meet up in WA. I am glad to support you with what I can. I love your content of roadside oddities your content is unique, unlike all the other full-time RV ers Videos that all seem to copy each other and their themes. Sorry, you have lost some Patreons. I do realize what you do is hard work, but loving what you do to make a living is awesome. My contribution is the least I can do for you showing us the country through your eyes. Thank you for that.


We've been watching you since the early years. And plan to continue indefinitely. Your videography is fantastic, your life-story is interesting, and of course, Jax is fun to watch. Watching your life unfold is like watching my own children grow up as they face life's challenges. Don't worry about those leaving. You'll replace them in time, and while some people just disagree with you and leave, I have to think that most people that leave the channel are doing so due to other reasons or life changes. Nothing stays the same forever and we all experience changes in our life; but if I experience a life-change that prevents me from supporting the Patreon creators I enjoy, I'll at least tell them why I'm' leaving. Keep at it. We enjoy what you do and are definitely getting our money's worth from your Patreon account.


We are relatively new to your channel, but have been watching you for over a year (I think?!) and do not plan to go anywhere. Your editing skills are incredible...we appreciate your professionalism. And also, you’re being real when something in life goes sideways. And Jax. Always Jax. BTW, You’re a good cat daddy...our son has a Maine Coone...they are HUGE cats. Jax looks quite firm and fit to us!

Bill & Amanda

Love being able to support your efforts thru Patreon. Had to update our Patreon billing info now we are back in the fold ;-). Action!

Cali Behr

I was one of your first and have no plans to cancel - in fact, I was glad you started Patreon because I wanted to help out. Your the best out there at what you do and it makes me so happy that you were able to turn it into a real business that you could support yourself and Jax with. Thanks for the smiles! Looking forward to more!