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Usually, video updates are only for specific tiers, but this was the easiest way to update all of my Patreon peeps. Give me some time, everyone.


Angela And I Part Ways


Ralph Woodard

Take care Eric and I hope you find someone in your future. Peace.


I'm so sorry to hear this for both of you guys, I think that your recent losses were too hard on you both, people mourn differently and you both need time to mourn. The best you both can do is move forward, spend time with the people who mean the most to you both. Your a good guy Eric, I believe that things will eventually work out for you to find the right companion. You've matured so much the past year or two that good things will come to you. Healing prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 and hugs!


So sorry. Too much crap hit the fan at the same time. I still think she’s your people but maybe you guys just need to go slower. She’s been through a lot and it’s hard to trust people, even those who love you, after that.

Bill & Amanda

Sending you good energy from Florida , get some rest for the new adventures right around the corner ;-)


Yeah, it is a tough thing to go through. Take solace in knowing that there are a lot of people who genuinely care for you for being who you are. We got your back.


I saw too much darkness from Angela and i'm so sorry for you Eric, pick yourself up and get on with it . Some one is out there for you.


I’m so glad you are upbeat about it (just saw your YouTube video ) and know that all things even out. You guys were a mutual blessing to each other and are better for having tried.


Really sorry to hear Keep traveling for us The best is yet to come

Cali Behr

I've been thinking about this all day - how to say what I want to say and hope it helps, at least a little. I'm quite a bit older than you and one of the hardest life lessons I've had to learn was that , sometimes, no matter how much you love each other, it just doesn't work out. Having the trip planned just sucks - I can so understand why you wouldn't want to take that route now. I've been there - had big plans, been happy, looking forward to the future, only to be blindsided and broken hearted. And when you're dealing with other losses, it just makes it harder. Hugs to you and Jax - I know he's a big comfort to you, as you are to him.


So sorry to hear this. Wishing you well. Take care and take your time. Were you able to go North to your family? We were in Three Rivers, CA for over a week so I'm out of touch.