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I had a good day today. Tomorrow will be a good day too! Next week, not so much. Good thing I have a working honda generator... Gonna be a crummy week in Texas before the Nascar race... (unless they end up changing the weekend to rain as well - which is highly possible given my luck in Texas) Sigh. This is also why there is a constant delay on my videos and I try to get ahead. (making the most of the sunny good days). Off camera, I spend a LOT of time cooped up in my RV waiting for the sun to come out on the road. I'm not worried about the Nascar race. If it rains out again, I'll just keep filming in the rain. Nothing I can do. I had GREAT weather for Vegas & Phoenix races. Texas knows I'm here now... AND IT'S ON! You gonna get the entire years worth of rain in 7 days while I'm here. Put your rain coats on, boys and girls! There's no water shortage in Texas this year! I'm currently filming my BEST video ever right now. More details this weekend. :)



Joanne Winters

I'm glad you had a good day I'm glad tomorrow is going to be a good day too glad to hear you're feeling better I'm sure they still hurt when you least expect it take care drive safe


We've had cold and rainy weather for 2 days. Spring made a u-turn.