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Seir won the poll! Now, it's a bit tricky, because they first appear in the origins of the Witch, but that's all sexy, I'll just paste a snippet from each origin! 

Prison Origin:

It's the whispers... The whispers that slowly wake you up. It's pitch black... But it was never pitch black. There were always oil lanterns flickering beyond your cell. They didn't want people to sleep easily. You breathe in slowly, eyes struggling to adjust in the new found darkness. Even the beam of moonlight coming through your barred window did nothing to aid in your quest to see.

"Rest your pretty eyes." A low voice whispers into your ear.

You sat bolt upright, heart thudding so loud it drowned out the sound of your own breathing.

"Hush, little thing. I can hear your heart fluttering like a trapped little... Jailbird.  " The voice continued. You felt something stroke along your cheek. "  It's scary... Is it not? Trapped in brick and steel. Hungry eyes wandering. No matter your crime, I already know... You won't make it out of this..."

Arranged Marriage Origin:

You can't breath. You can't breath. The fabric of your wedding attire gets tighter and tighter, feeling like it's cutting into your flesh, squeezing you until you start molding into something else. You're going to be nothing, you're going to vanish, you're going to- 

"Oh, to be a perfect little spouse." A low, sultry voice whispers from behind you. 

You whirl around, all of your breath escaping in one go. Nothing. Just the watery sunshine streaming in from the windows. Exhaling, you closed your eyes. You were probably just overwhelmed. All of this all at once. 

"You look lovely in white. Like a dove. Doesn't suit you though." The door to your room slowly shut, the latch making a click as it slots into place. 

Abused Child Origin:

No one came to check on you. Your cheeks felt hot, as your sobbing trickled off into dry hiccups. With another shaky inhale, you finally fell completely silent, listening to the sound of the world continuing outside the window, uncaring about the child behind the crusted over window. 

The sounds of the carriages passing by nearly completely blocked out the squeak of the middle stair, telltale weight being pressed against the wood. Your breath stilled in your lungs and you quietened fully to overhear any other sounds. 

Another squeak. Top stair. 

Like a frightened animal, you shot underneath the bed, clawing at the floorboards to drag yourself forward, hoping with childish desperation that this will keep you safe. You stared at the door, knowing the moment that the doorknob opens, another part of you will die. 

"Oh, sweet little mouse, skittering to safety. Come closer." The soft voice froze you in your curled up state, eyes widening. From beyond the safety of the bed, the door slowly opened, but it moved like it was fighting through treacle. 

But somehow, under here was safer. 

A shadowy hand slowly wrapped around your shoulder, giving it a squeeze. 

Kidnapped Origin

You couldn't see  anything through the stiff blindfold, tied so tight that it was almost cutting into your skin. The ropes weren't that much better, binding your wrists and ankles so tightly you couldn't help but wonder, in-between hysterical thoughts about your fate, if you would loose all blood circulation to your feet and perhaps loose them both. 

"Little captured rabbit, hm?" You nearly jumped out of your skin at the smooth voice, the small amount of light you could see through the fabric completely blotting out. "Trussed up like a little gift, waiting for when the inevitable time the hunter returns and pries your little foot from out of the trap." 

You felt something cold grip your ankle, as if you had put your foot into an icy stream that was insistent on yanking you along with it. 

Accused Student Origin

Your white knuckle grip on the edge of the desk refused to lessen at all. Tongue felt too dry for your mouth, even swallowing was hard. Sweat slithered down your spine, happy to pool at the small of your back, making your shirt stick uncomfortably. 

Both your stomach feeling uneasy and your heart thudding way too fast made your head fog up, swaying in your seat as the moments ticked by. 

"I can already smell myself all over you." A low voice purred right into your ear and you shot up, out of your seat, sending it careening back. 

There was a beat of silence. The still room. The ticking. Your own heart beat in your ears. 

"Timid little thing, aren't you? But both you and I know that you're far more cunning than shy, little fox.


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