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The world of academia is cutthroat, but you didn't realize it was THIS bad. You've been accused, and now your very place in your educational institution is at risk. Worse than that, you could be in danger of being persecuted! Trapped at school, Seir will try and get you free, but you might have to leave your degree behind. The scandal, however, is much different between a rich kid, and someone whose scholarship hangs in the balance. So... Who are you?

Are you an Adler?

Jane and Malcom Adler adopted the MC at a young age after the death of your parents. They've never shared much about them but were always talking about how brave and good your parents were, and they kept a box of their stuff in the attic. You also have a inheritance left to you, and Jane and Malcolm kept it safe until you hit a certain age. Everyone thought that the you would have to use it to get your education, but you actually got a scholarship. The Adlers were so excited to send you off…

Or... Are you a Knight?

The orphanage was a distant memory. You’ve been told you have a storybook life. The little orphan taken into the comfortable arms of a loving family, now belonging to the no-longer-childless duo of Linus and Mary Knight. A proud family of scholars and academics, that it wasn’t even a choice. You would be sent to the best school that money could ever allow.


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