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Seir, the familiar- 

Not only a high blooded demon! In fact, their your high blooded demon. While able to take many forms, it's the player who decides whether they follow after you in the form of a Crow, Fox, Snake, Cat or a Black Dog. 

Whether Seir is female or male, they remain very androgynous and their appearance doesn't change that much. Their demon form is quite simply, as they appear as a creature with darkness emanating off of them, curling almost like smoke. It's impossible to make out anymore details about them in that form. 

However, once they like their master enough, the will shift into a humanoid form, that they settle into in private. Their human form has black and silver hair, streaked. Their eyes match their hair, silver and narrow. Their eyes change with the moon, appearing black at times, and half black and then full silver. Their hair is long, always slightly swaying as if in a gentle breeze even when inside. They are very pale and somewhat gaunt with tight, sharp cheekbones, and an elegant, swan-like neck. Their canines are sharp and long too, along with their claws. 

Seir is a calm presence, but deepy coniving and cunning.  But they're also deeply possessive, even when not in a relationship. Shall actively make fun of the other LI's, unless they gain Seir's respect. Won't stop them from making dry comments about them however .


Seir is a deeply sensual creature, who enjoys a wide array of pleasure, it would be hard to include them all. 

To someone they actively adore? They're almost worshipful of their Master, cooing at them as they touch them. They're possessive as well, and wouldn't appreciate anyone, especially fellow demons, getting close to their master. Love to mark and make their claim over their favourite Witch very clear. 

They're incredibly bitey and loves to scratch during sex. They're often very aware of their Master's moods, and usually uses that against them. Will love to suprise grope them, even slipping under tables and pressing their face into their crotch. They also like to embarrass their Master, usually openly grabbing at them, and nuzzling their face into their neck. Loves to make innuendos in front of people Seir considers a "threat". 



And I love them deeply