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Yes folks your chance to see your transformation, so ideas below and I will run a poll from them next Saturday...

Ideas will run until June 1st, so leave a comment below as to your idea

Don't forget Debt Collecter 2 is back for Bimbo Saturday, while BP Storyville will be back Saturday 17th June...



street officer who fines without delay, using unscrupulous abuse of power, unfairly fining for no parking ➡️ in a generous 'streetworker'


a career girl was dumped by her boyfriend. She wants to win him back and finds a button...


A nerdy librarian looks for a way to get more people into her library and reading and becomes the sexy reason herself.


she is a career woman and wants children. in order not to jeopardize her career, however, a surrogate mother in the form of her best friend is supposed to carry the child. since she earns the most money, the man should stay at home after the birth. He doesn't want children, otherwise he would have to stay at home. through the bottom, he and the woman's friend swap roles. he becomes the woman's friend, who is already heavily pregnant, and she becomes her husband, who will take care of the child at home.


workflow got held up because of RL stuff, so hoping to get back on Keeper next month, I do have a HP special coming up tomorrow ;)


Hi jasmin, I will add this idea to the next Pink Bunny poll I run, as I'm afraid Bimbo Buttons is FtoF transformation :)

Jonny Rotten

smart mother (lawyer, etc) shopping for a present finds a fancy calculator with a red and a green button. they turn her into a young bimbo