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10 page starter, will run 5 pages each Saturday... :)




Is that Margot, from the epilogue? Damn is that all from the pills or did she get surgery. It certainly looks natural


oh W🤩W !




It makes sense that Tinkerbelle's replacement as top performer would have all natural curves especially in the breast area. It being Cleavages that said all natural breasts would be huge, making her fit to be the lead performer at a club called Cleavages. Tinkerbelle was certainly pretty but didn't have the size to really headline a place like Cleavage Club. Unlike Margot whose massive breast have to rival Tramps in size for natural breasts


I see. Also by 5 day pill is this essentially a 5 day version of what Tramp took. Evidence being the insane huge curves and the two (most likely) addictions to smoking and getting tattoos. As I see she has to wear sleeves to cover the full sleeve of tattoos on both arms. Even the black hair is similar. So they really have the pills down to have a 10 day transformation down to 5 days


May I ask you if Shaye and Tandy are new characters or have they appeared previously?


You'll see more next week, but they are just escorts that Neeta aquired from Brodie's demise in BP4