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Have to admit to a slight error yesterday as there was a chapter missing, but it is now added, apologies to all, I must have had one of the Doc's pills...

Well folks this is the final pages and PDF... This particular chapter of OBIMIB Heath closes and I have added a before and after bonus pics of our new Cleavage Club dancers and a gif... However, this is not the last of Bimbo Pills, as the Doc informs me that he has quite a lot of interest in his work and now that he has a shop window to show off his work, he will endeavour to make the dreams of his clients come true...

Next Week I have some bumper pics of our dancers coming up too and a poll on who is your favourite girl... The winning girl will feature in a special!!!! 

So while the Doc takes a break, I am working on a new Bimbo NonTG story called the 'Debt Collecter' which I am hoping will be ready for consumption in January, I will try to release a ten page spoiler before Christmas, but for you Bimbo lovers I do have a new Bimbo Buttons 'Gigi' coming up for you Christmas Eve :)

Bimbo Pills 'Angel' 

Bimbo Pills 'Diamond & Toy' 

Bimbo Pills 'Tramp' 




will margot be the subject of the next installment?


Margot was just a sign of the direction Bimbo Pills will take in the future, a single bimbo transformation, as mentioned by Neeta, her boyfriend has paid for her transformation, but I'm sure she will appear as a background character at some stage looking even more different ;)


Loved it!


yeah I think it would be fun for bimbo pills get out into the public and we see individual transformations


aw, was hoping her transformation would be the start of the individual arcs. looking forward to what comes next anyway.


Chapter 2 pdf?


Sorry the confusion on Chapters, but Epilogue is Chapter 2, I originally had the first two in one pdf, but size upload meant I had to split it into 3 parts :)