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Jill Layburn had always been on the borders of the former BWG feminist organisation that Olivia Tench started from her bookstore, but her ideals clashed with Ms Tench’s and the brash outspoken avid feminist started her own feminist group on the campus of Bullchester University…

She was first seen grilling a very bimbo looking Bonnie about her short school girl’s skirt and busty appearance, towards the end of Butterfly Salon 4 Housewives…

In Butterfly Salon 4 Happy Families, Madame Olivia dismantled Jill’s feminist group in one clean swoop and in doing so used the psychiatrist skills of Stella Primrose to turn Jill from a closet Lesbian into dumb airheaded hooker Jellybean is today…




Oh yes please!! More😃other victims (m to w)