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Belladonna's SRS gets underway...




She will end up having a lot of fun with it, forced way


Nitpicking about DNA percentages - Brooke already had 50% of Louise's DNA, so Belladonna will end up with 50% Brooke and (around) 75% of Louise. But unless Cresswell tech is somehow used to make guarantees what split from Brooke originates from father and what from mother, that gets messy and makes your description of what is going on here long-winded and not really interesting to many of your readers... So I'm good with your approach. (Or maybe I should re-read about Brooke - starting to remember that there was something (potentially) mystic in her origin?)


will she be able to father children hoho pill then don't forget at....


It has been hinted a few times in conversations about how CI have the ability to redesign a subjects DNA, they did this with Lady Rosemary and Hayley Robinson, they both carry the same DNA percentage match as a mother and daughter would share, this is also the basis of Belladonna, she has a mixture of DNA from Louise and Brooke with David fading to a low percentage.... Also to note Rosalind mentioned to Glenda in Cougars as they entered Glenda's proposed hairdressing salon about Annabelle looking like Norma Jean ;)

stacy C

Is all this medically accurate hehe x