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Rita's hesitancy to stay and watch Alexis's skills, reminds her of an incident from her youth, an incident that Destiny remembers well... 



Patrick Hunt

Seems as though conflict is starting to rise among the organization


I always wondered if Rita had her way would Tamara be Tammy Porntoy Noble. I feel like some part of her unconsciously want Tramra as a daughter to truly take everything away from her father:

The Wandering Talespinner

Rita already tried that, actually. As part of the intentionally undefined conditioning Rita put Tamara/Timothy through, she had Tamara think Rita was her Mom. Grace intervened, though, and had that notion removed. Rita's not done with Tamara, though. Not by a long shot. She's still eager to twist the knife she herself planted... ...although we haven't seen the last of Ruth Portnoy(Tamara/Timothy's REAL Mom), either, and that's all I'm going to say at the moment. :D